One-on-one Public Speaking Coaching
Presentation Consultation

confident speaker

Becoming a confident and effective public speaker is a great investment.

It sets you apart as a leader and a valuable asset to your organization… someone worth listening to.

​And one-on-one coaching is the most efficient way of becoming a confident, stress-free speaker. Direct feedback lets you respond immediately and fast tracks your progress. The focus is on you and you reach your goals that much more quickly.

Whether it’s improving your vocal tone, finding ways to add vocal variety, ensuring you have the right physical presence or being comfortable with your use of gesture, this intensive practical work takes your public speaking and presentation skills to the next level.

confident speaker


Improving your public speaking is an intelligent investment in your ability to deliver both professionally and personally.

talking with a group of people

No More Public Speaking

At the centre of the work I do with clients is to stop thinking about ‘public speaking’ and ‘making a speech’ – just saying those words can trigger fear and anxiety. Instead I work with you to embrace a mindset where you are ‘talking with a group of people’, seeking to have a positive impact on them.

When you make this your focus, you can bring your breath, voice, physicality and use of gesture naturally into play to deliver your message.

Coaching takes place in a supportive environment and progresses in response to your evolving public speaking ability. Immediate feedback lets you bring together vocal tone and variety, physical presence and the use of gesture to transform you into a confident and stress-free public speaker.

talking with a group of people


For inexperienced newcomers, the training empowers you to speak confidently and effectively, bringing together your voice and physical presence to deliver your message.

For more experienced speakers, the training will see you lift your public speaking to the next level by working on specific areas, such as physical presence or vocal tone and variation and ensuring that these new skills are integrated into your focused and engaging message delivery.


Before starting any training, I meet with you to jointly evaluate where you are at on your public speaking journey, define your goals and develop a plan to achieve the outcomes you want.



Presentation coaching is designed for people wishing to hone their presentation skills or to optimise the delivery of an important speech or presentation.

engaging speech

Where clients are working on a specific project, we can collaborate on all aspects of your presentation, including the development of script and structure, your vocal and physical presence, and the effective use of audio-visual aids.

​The aim is to transform your good presentation into one that not only delivers effectively but also stands out from the crowd.​

Ultimately, presentations must be engaging, logical and achieve what they set out to do! To this work, I bring over thirty years’ experience as a theatre director, working across a diversity of genres and contexts.

corporate presentation

For more general coaching, we develop a program in response to your existing strengths and weaknesses, as well as your corporate and personal presentation goals. Together we will create a bespoke range of activities that will allow you to take your new skill set forward with you into the development and delivery of future presentations.



I bring to my Effective Public Speaking work over thirty years’ experience in the performing arts as actor, writer, director, and producer.
Connect With Me


I bring to my Effective Public Speaking work over thirty years’ experience in the performing arts as actor, writer, director, and producer.

Whether it’s working with established professional actors or with emerging artists undergoing tertiary training, I have always enjoyed finding ways for each and every individual to bring words to life, to engage an audience, to tell a story.​

I believe that the same principles and techniques I have worked with for over thirty years have direct application in empowering people to develop their public speaking skills.

​After a time in the corporate sector following graduation from QUT with a Bachelor of Business – Management, I studied acting, again at QUT.​

In the mid-nineties I shifted into working mainly as a director and since then have directed over 70 productions across a diversity of genres from Shakespeare to circus, from cabaret to opera.

I am an active member of South Bank Toastmasters and in 2022 and 2023 was awarded First Place in the Brisbane District Humorous Speech Contest.

Connect With Me



"Lewis helped me set my professional tone"

Working with Lewis not only was an absolutely nurturing educational experience but also extremely delightful and humorous. I am someone who aims to work in the legal field, which is an industry with high expectations on public speaking and interpersonal skills. Knowing this ultimate goal, Lewis offered a goal-centred and value-oriented approach for fostering my speaking abilities. We engaged in multiple exercises that involved controlling my breathing, confidently moving around an environment, and using different types of vocal expressions. Thank you deeply!


Baker Mckenzie
hilary saxton

"Deliver with more impact and authority"

  I've been speaking for some time now and even attend Toastmasters, but knew I could enhance my skills. I wanted to polish how I presented to be more professional and engaging. Lewis began by helping me re-construct my message. He helped me remove the unnecessary pieces and left me with a clear, engaging and humorous speech to deliver. He then taught me how to deliver with more impact and authority which is so valuable. I loved working with Lewis and would recommend working with him if you are looking at improving how you speak and deliver presentations.  


Mindset and Performance Coach
Property Mastermind

"Incredibly valuable work"

Being someone with a naturally outgoing personality, I've never found it too difficult to get up and make a speech. However, I was keen to develop my skills and, by working with Lewis, I gained the ability to bring together my physical presence and the use of my voice in a truly authentic way. It has let me shift from ‘showing’ confidence when I speak, to actually being confident when I speak. Having recently been appointed to a new role with a new company where there is a great deal more direct client interface, I have found the work I have done with Lewis incredibly valuable in making connections to prospective and existing clients.  


Head of Events + Partnerships


For many of my clients, taking action to overcome their speaking is as big a fear as public speaking. That is why I offer a free introductory session to talk about what you feel your challenges and strengths are and where you want to get to before we even talk about commencing any coaching.



Why do so many people get nervous?

It is hardly surprising that people get nervous. Firstly, they don’t get any training as public speakers; secondly, they don’t get to do it very often and thirdly, when they do get to do it, everyone is watching. Add to that the fact that from the time we are small children, we will have heard people talking of public speaking as something to fear.

Why is coaching better than a one or two-day course?

Public speaking is a physical activity and as such it can be coached, but to think you can acquire that skill in a short time – particularly in a classroom situation - would be like thinking you could learn to the play the guitar or become a champion tennis player over a weekend.

What happens at a typical coaching session?

The work I do with clients is tailored to where they are now and where they want to get to, however, there are almost always some vocal exercises. These are not about developing a more attractive voice, but a voice that is authentically connected to who you are and what you want to say. We also work so you become reacquainted with the many resonators that are available to you, resonators that are often forgotten about as we make our way into adulthood.

You get to know your voice again. And we work on specific material so we can put the theory into practice.

How long will it take to achieve my goals?

This depends on where you are now and where you want to get to. I recommend a block of at least six sessions to make any real progress. The work is about consistency, rather than intensity, so best done over an extended period. After this initial block, additional sessions are available either individually or in a block at an established client discount. A series of twelve sessions will see most clients achieve their goal.

What are the tips and tricks to overcome nerves?

I don’t offer tips and tricks. The key to overcoming nerves is shifting your focus from ‘public speaking’ to having a conversation with people, whether the group is thirty or three hundred or a thousand!

As you are sending your energy out, you disarm the ‘arrows of judgement’ that you imagine are coming from your audience!

I hate my voice. Can you help?

What you hear is not what others hear and it is very unlikely that you have a ‘bad voice.’ What coaching can do though is help you to have a voice that is brighter and more connected and is characterized by vocal variety – monotony be gone! These variations in pitch, tone, volume, and tempo are not ‘add-ons’, but are the result of knowing how you want to act upon your listeners and the strategies you are using to achieve the result you want.

In most conversations, we are subtly shifting our intentions from moment to moment – and it needs to be no different when talking with a group.

But what do I do with my hands?

I tell clients – and anyone else who will listen – that I am yet to see someone stop a conversation and say, ‘I'm sorry. I can’t go on. I don’t know what to do with my hands’.

How we hold our body and the gestures we make in our everyday speech are rarely, if ever contrived, but stand us up to ‘make a speech’ and we start to worry about what we are doing with our hands. Again, the answer is to shift away from the idea of being watched to focusing on how we want to act upon our listeners.



Are you interested in learning more?

Get in touch so we can meet up and chat about your public speaking and presentation coaching needs.

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